Republic of Belarus, Minsk region, Puhovichy district, Zalesie villiage.
coordinates for GPS Navigator 53°29.289' N, 28°24.148' E
Hunter’s House «Pukhovichsky» is located in the Pukhovichsky District of the Minsk Region, surrounded by a picturesque mixed forest. For accommodation is available a ten-bed house, equipped with everything necessary for a comfortable stay. The house has a kitchen for self-catering. p>
On the territory of the hunter’s house there is a Russian bathhouse, gazebos, a barbecue area, and dogs enclosures. p>
Accomodation / Conveniences / Facilities | The price of the room / cottage | ||||||||
x10 for 10 people (hunter's house) WC, conveniences for the cottage, shower, washstand / TV, electric kettle, equipment for the house, fireplace in the common room, fridge, kitchen, microvawe oven, oven, tableware |
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